Saturday, November 7, 2009

How buggy software could bring great hardware to it's knees

Being a developer feels sometimes like a curse. Even though it can resolve complex software issues, 3rd party installs, etc... It is also painful to see 2-7 hours of you personal life time burn away because of another outrageous development mistake. Superior hardware components brought down on it's knees because of one line of code, or lack of it.

My latest painful experience was with the "HP Wireless Office Jet 8500 All in one Printer, Fax and Scanner" installer. Tsk tsk HP!
 At some point during installation, the software tries to install Flash9f.ocx V9. My computer; however, had Flash V10 installed. This caused an error. The TITLE of that error window had the following error code:

"hpzsetup.exe" "-f" ".\autorun_network.inf" "-networkonly" "-wStub" "263454"

Might as well say GUESS!

This simple Flash version check (which is less than 2 hours worth of development time) could have saved me "a single customer" 14+ hours of my time. I am sure that many other novice customers, would have returned this after a couple of hours of frustration and fiddling with the uninstall/install options. If not, they would have settled for 1/8 of the installed features during that buggy and faulty installation.
I wonder how much did this mistake cost HP; returns, phone support, reputation which equals future recurring purchases. That was my experience with Cannon scanners, and that's why I decided to try HP this time "Drivers". It seems that HP has fallen behind in this particular instance. The reviews on Amazon at the time of writing this blog were 26 (one stare) / 39 (5 star)
I guess they will keep falling, unless someone at HP wakes up and fix the installer before flash 12 :)

Below is another error code generated and logged after a recovery attempt.

Error Situation Code: 24749208
The following lines were retrieved from the installation error logs.

= Application did not return ERROR_SUCCESS. Returned 0x2

Exit code=1602

= Application did not return ERROR_SUCCESS. Returned 0x2

LaunchApp(X:\hpqtra08.exe -shutDown,1,00000000,00000000) failed with 2

Error opening key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard\Install\{624E7452-BA43-4f55-B9D5-FC75EEA0808B}. error=2

Error message received: Module X:\Flash9f.ocx failed to register. HRESULT -2147220473. Contact your support personnel.

Timed out waiting for product finish event

RUN: Driver UI Plug-In exits returning 50

= Application did not return ERROR_SUCCESS. Returned 0x2

RUN: Driver UI Plug-In exits returning 50

= Application did not return ERROR_SUCCESS. Returned 0x2

LaunchApp(X:\hpqtra08.exe -shutDown,1,00000000,00000000) failed with 2

Error opening key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard\Install\{624E7452-BA43-4f55-B9D5-FC75EEA0808B}. error=2

Error message received: Module X:\Flash9f.ocx failed to register. HRESULT -2147220473. Contact your support personnel.

X:\GPBaseService2.msi failed with return code 1602

MSIInstall() failed with 1602 for MSI GPBaseService2

Exit code=1602

Exit code=21

= Application did not return ERROR_SUCCESS. Returned 0x2

LaunchApp(X:\hpqtra08.exe -shutDown,1,00000000,00000000) failed with 2

Error opening key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard\Install\{624E7452-BA43-4f55-B9D5-FC75EEA0808B}. error=2

Timed out waiting for product finish event

GetDatFileName() returned FALSE. We need a dat file to run.

= Application did not return ERROR_SUCCESS. Returned 0x2

LaunchApp(X:\hpqtra08.exe -shutDown,1,00000000,00000000) failed with 2

Error opening key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard\Install\{624E7452-BA43-4f55-B9D5-FC75EEA0808B}. error=2

Error message received: Module X:\Flash9f.ocx failed to register. HRESULT -2147220473. Contact your support personnel.

Timed out waiting for product finish event


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Problem upgrading Teradata ODBC drivers from v6 --> v12

Problem upgrading Teradata ODBC drivers from v6 -->; v12

I used to get this error while installing the Teradata ICU libraries v12
Shared ICU Libraries for Teradata
Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.


So I found a similar issue here and I decided to remove the Teradata ICU reference using Windows Installer Cleaner

That seems to have resolved my problem, and this is why I shared it :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

SharePoint Unit Tests on a Vista Ultimate 64bit

An issue/problem I’ve experienced recently with VS Unit Testing & SharePoint OM Mode. It is impossible to run VS Unit Tests that connect to the OM on a 64bit machine. Reason is that Visual Studio is a native 32bit app and since it runs in splwow64 mode, it cannot connect to a WSS 64bit process. 32bit & 64bit COM dlls can't mix.

Just Something to observe if you get an error similar to 

Test method AiE.UnitTests.WorkshopBusinessRulesTest.UpdateWorkshopInstanceTest threw exception:  System.ApplicationException: Problem Accessing SharePoint site --->  System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The Web application at http://localhost:3333/workshops could not be found. Verify that you have typed the URL correctly. If the URL should be serving existing content, the system administrator may need to add a new request URL mapping to the intended application..